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Expungements / 4.30.2020

What is a Criminal Record Expungement?

Indiana has a special law that allows individuals to remove a negative criminal history from their background. That process is called a criminal record expungement. If you need a lawyer to help remove a bad criminal history, call an affordable criminal lawyer, Jesse K. Sanchez at (317) 721-9858! He is here to help!

What is an Expungement?

A criminal record expungement is defined as the ability to “seal,” or otherwise hide or destroy court records of certain types of convictions. One of the benefits of having your criminal record expunged is that the arrest or the subsequent conviction or plea is not required to be legally disclosed.

What are Expungement Limitations?

While if you have your criminal record expunged in Indiana, you may truthfully testify under oath that you have never been convicted of a crime when your record has in fact been expunged, there still is evidence of your past criminal transgression, and the prosecution and may use that criminal history against you in certain specific circumstances allowed by state law.

Get Your Criminal Record Expunged Today!

Do you need a criminal expungement? Give our expungement attorney a call at (317) 721-9858. In some instances, an expungement can be an easy proposition, but still complicated and have complexities that are best handled with legal counsel, like us! Call today to speak with an expert.


Q: What is the Indiana Expungement Law in 2021?

A: The Indiana Expungement Statue states that a person whose record is expunged shall be treated as if the person had never been convicted of the offense. After your successful criminal record expungement, on any employment application, or other applications, you can legally answer that you have never been convicted of a crime.

Q: Do I need a lawyer to get my record expunged?

A: No, you do not need to hire an attorney or a lawyer to get your criminal history expunged. However, the Indiana expungement process is complex, so it makes sense to seek the help of an expungement attorney.

Q: Can my juvenile record be expunged?

A: Yes!

Q: How old do I have to be to apply to get my criminal record expunged in Indiana?

A: There is no age limit to apply for an expungement.

Q: Can I apply for expungement while I am still on probation?

A: Yes. However, it is highly unlikely that a judge will approve your expungement if you are still under supervision when you apply.

Q: I was arrested, can my arrest be expunged in Indiana?

A: If the case was dismissed, or you received a diversion (and completed that diversion), or if you were found not guilty, you can have your arrest record expunged.

Q: How long do I have to wait to get an arrest expunged in Indiana?

A: In Indiana, the waiting period to get an arrest expunged is one year.

Q: Once my record is expunged, how long does it take for my records to be destroyed or given to me?

A: Typically, it takes 6-8 weeks for all of the records to either be destroyed or given to you.

Q: How much does a juvenile record expungement cost in Indiana?

A: The cost to expunge juvenile records in Indiana is $0!

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