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Criminal Defense / 4.30.2020

Indiana Expungement Law – January 2020

In 2020, Indiana Expungement Law experienced some very significant developments. On July 1, 2019 the law was further tweaked to benefit those that need an Indiana criminal record expungement.

To be specific, Indiana HB 1541 changes the words expunge, seal, and redact to “destroy or permanently delete” . To be specific it reads, “any records in the clerk’s possession that relate to the arrest, criminal charges, juvenile delinquency, allegation, vacated conviction, or vacated juvenile delinquency adjudication destroy or permanently delete”.

In need of an expungement law firm? The Law Office of Jesse K. Sanchez is here to help! Call us at (317) 721-9858 today

IC 35-38-9 Chapter 9. Sealing and Expunging Conviction Records

IC 35-38-9-1 Expunging arrest records

Sec. 1. (a) This section applies only to a person who has been arrested, charged with an offense, or alleged to be a delinquent child, if:

(1)   the arrest,criminal charge, or juvenile delinquency allegation:

(A) did not result in a conviction or juvenile adjudication; or (B) resulted in a conviction or juvenile adjudication and the conviction or adjudication was vacated on appeal; and

(2)  the  person  is  not  currently  participating in a pretrial diversion program.

(b) Not earlier than one (1) year after the date of arrest, criminal charge, or juvenile delinquency allegation (whichever is later), if the person was not convicted or adjudicated a delinquent child, or the date of the opinion vacating the conviction or adjudication becomes final (unless the prosecuting attorney agrees in writing to an earlier time),  the  person  may  petition  the  court  for  expungement  of  the records related to the arrest, criminal charge, or juvenile delinquency allegation.

(c) A petition for expungement of records must be verified and filed in a circuit or superior court in the county where the criminal charges  or  juvenile  delinquency  allegation  was  filed,  or  if  no criminal charges or juvenile delinquency allegation was filed, in the county where the arrest occurred. The petition must set forth:

(1)   the  date  of  the  arrest, criminal charges, or juvenile delinquency allegation, and conviction (if applicable);

(2) the county in which the arrest occurred, the county in which the information or indictment was filed, and the county in which the juvenile delinquency allegation   was filed, if applicable;

(3) the law enforcement agency employing the arresting officer, if known;

(4)   the court in which the criminal charges or juvenile delinquency allegation was filed, if applicable;

(5) any other known identifying information, such as: (A) the name of the arresting officer;

(B) case number or court cause number;

(C) any aliases or other names used by the petitioner; (D) the petitioner’s driver’s license number; and

(E)  a list of each criminal charge and its disposition, if applicable;

(6) the date of the petitioner’s birth; and

(7) the petitioner’s Social Security number.

A person who files a petition under this section is not required to pay a filing fee.

(d) The court shall serve a copy of the petition on the prosecuting attorney.

(e) Upon receipt of a petition for expungement, the court:

(1) may summarily deny the petition if the petition does not meet  the  requirements  of  this  section,  or  if  the  statements contained  in  the  petition  indicate  that  the  petitioner  is  not entitled to relief; and

(2) shall grant the petition unless:

(A) the conditions described in subsection (a) have not been met; or

(B) criminal charges are pending against the person.

(f) Whenever the petition of a person under this section is granted: (1)  no  information  concerning  the  arrest,  criminal  charges, juvenile delinquency allegation, vacated conviction, or vacated juvenile delinquency adjudication may be placed or retained in any state central repository for criminal history information or in    any    other alphabetically arranged criminal history information system maintained by a local, regional, or statewide law enforcement agency;

(2)  the  clerk  of  the  supreme  court  shall  seal  or  redact  any records  in  the  clerk’s  possession  that  relate  to  the  arrest, criminal  charges,  juvenile  delinquency  allegation,  vacated conviction, or vacated juvenile delinquency adjudication;

(3) the records of:

(A) the sentencing court; (B) a juvenile court;

(C) a court of appeals; and

(D) the supreme court;

concerning the person shall be redacted or permanently sealed;


(4) with respect to the records of a person who is named as an appellant or an appellee in an opinion or memorandum decision by the supreme court or the court of appeals, the court shall:

(A)  redact  the  opinion  or  memorandum  decision  as  it appears on the computer gateway administered by the office of  technology  so  that  it  does  not  include  the  petitioner’s name (in the same manner that opinions involving juveniles are redacted); and

(B) provide a redacted copy of the opinion to any publisher or  organization  to  whom  the  opinion  or  memorandum decision   is   provided   after   the   date   of   the   order   of expungement.

The supreme court and the court of appeals are not required to redact, destroy, or otherwise dispose of any existing copy of an opinion or memorandum decision that includes the petitioner’s name.

(g)   If   the   court   issues   an   order   granting   a   petition   for expungement   under   this   section,   the   order   must   include   the information described in subsection (c).

(h) This chapter does not require any change or alteration in:

(1) any internal record made by a law enforcement agency at the time of the arrest and not intended for release to the public; or (2) records that relate to a diversion or deferral program.

(i) If a person whose records are expunged brings an action that might be defended with the contents of the expunged records, the defendant is presumed to have a complete defense to the action. In order for the plaintiff to recover, the plaintiff must show that the contents of the expunged records would not exonerate the defendant. The plaintiff may be required to state under oath whether the plaintiff had records in the criminal justice system and whether those records were expunged. If the plaintiff denies the existence of the records, the defendant may prove their existence in any manner compatible with the law of evidence.

As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.7; P.L.142-2015, SEC.1.

IC 35-38-9-2 Expunging misdemeanor convictions

Sec. 2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) and section 8.5 of

this  chapter,  this  section  applies  only to  a  person  convicted  of  a misdemeanor, including a Class D felony (for a crime committed before July 1, 2014) or a Level 6 felony (for a crime committed after June 30, 2014) reduced to a misdemeanor.

(b) This section does not apply to a person convicted of two (2)

or more felony offenses that:

(1) involved the unlawful use of a deadly weapon; and

(2) were not committed as part of the same episode of criminal conduct.

(c)  Not  earlier  than five (5)  years  after  the  date of  conviction (unless  the  prosecuting attorney consents  in  writing to  an earlier period), the person  convicted of the misdemeanor may petition a court to expunge all conviction records, including records contained in:

(1) a court’s files;

(2) the files of the department of correction;

(3) the files of the bureau of motor vehicles; and

(4)  the  files  of  any  other  person  who  provided  treatment  or services to the petitioning person under a court order;

that relate to the person’s misdemeanor conviction.

(d) A person who files a petition to expunge conviction records shall file the petition in a circuit or superior court in the county of conviction.

(e) If the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that: (1) the period required by this section has elapsed;

(2) no charges are pending against the person;

(3)  the  person  has  paid  all  fines,  fees,  and  court  costs,  and satisfied any restitution obligation placed on the person as part of the sentence; and

(4) the person has not been  convicted of a crime within the previous five (5) years (or within a shorter period agreed to by the   prosecuting   attorney   if   the   prosecuting   attorney   has consented to a shorter period under subsection (c));

the court shall order the conviction records described in subsection

(c) expunged in accordance with section 6 of this chapter.

As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.8; P.L.142-2015, SEC.2.

IC 35-38-9-3 Expunging minor Class D and Level 6 felony convictions

Sec. 3. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) and section 8.5 of

this chapter, this section applies only to a person convicted of a Class D felony (for a crime committed before July 1, 2014) or a Level 6 felony (for a crime committed after June 30, 2014). This section does not apply to a person if the person’s Class D felony or Level 6 felony was reduced to a Class A misdemeanor.

(b) This section does not apply to the following:

(1) An elected official convicted of an offense while serving the official’s term or as a candidate for public office.

(2) A sex or violent offender (as defined in IC 11-8-8-5).

(3) A person convicted of a felony that resulted in bodily injury to another person.

(4) A person convicted of perjury (IC 35-44.1-2-1) or official misconduct (IC 35-44.1-1-1).

(5) A person convicted of an offense described in: (A) IC 35-42-1;

(B) IC 35-42-3.5; or

(C) IC 35-42-4.

(6) A person convicted of two (2) or more felony offenses that: (A) involved the unlawful use of a deadly weapon; and

(B)  were  not  committed  as  part  of  the  same  episode  of criminal conduct.

(c) Not earlier than eight (8) years after the date of conviction (unless  the  prosecuting attorney consents  in  writing  to  an  earlier period), the person convicted of the Class D felony or Level 6 felony may petition a court to expunge all conviction records, including records contained in:

(1) a court’s files;

(2) the files of the department of correction;

(3) the files of the bureau of motor vehicles; and

(4)  the  files  of  any  other  person  who  provided  treatment  or services to the petitioning person under a court order;

that relate to the person’s Class D or Level 6 felony conviction.

(d) A person who files a petition to expunge conviction records shall file the petition in a circuit or superior court in the county of conviction.

(e) If the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that: (1) the period required by this section has elapsed;

(2) no charges are pending against the person;

(3)  the  person  has  paid  all  fines,  fees,  and  court  costs,  and satisfied any restitution obligation placed on the person as part of the sentence; and

(4) the person has not been convicted  of a crime within the previous eight (8) years (or within a shorter period agreed to by the   prosecuting   attorney   if   the   prosecuting   attorney   has consented to a shorter period under subsection (c));

the court shall order the conviction records described in subsection

(c) expunged in accordance with section 6 of this chapter.

As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.9; P.L.142-2015, SEC.3.

IC 35-38-9-4 Expunging certain less serious felony convictions

Sec. 4. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) and section 8.5 of

this  chapter,  this  section  applies  only to  a  person  convicted  of  a felony who may not seek expungement of that felony under section

3 of this chapter.

(b) This section does not apply to the following:

(1) An elected official convicted of an offense while serving the official’s term or as a candidate for public office.

(2) A sex or violent offender (as defined in IC 11-8-8-5).

(3)  A  person  convicted  of  a  felony  that  resulted  in  serious bodily injury to another person.

(4) A person convicted of official misconduct (IC 35-44.1-1-1). (5) A person convicted of an offense described in:

(A) IC 35-42-1;

(B) IC 35-42-3.5; or

(C) IC 35-42-4.

(6) A person convicted of two (2) or more felony offenses that: (A) involved the unlawful use of a deadly weapon; and

(B)  were  not  committed  as  part  of  the  same  episode  of criminal conduct.

(c) Not earlier than the later of eight (8) years from the date of conviction, or three (3) years from the completion of the person’s sentence, unless the prosecuting attorney consents in writing to an earlier period, the person convicted of the felony may petition a court to expunge all conviction records, including records contained in:

(1) a court’s files;

(2) the files of the department of correction;

(3) the files of the bureau of motor vehicles; and

(4)  the  files  of  any  other  person  who  provided  treatment  or services to the petitioning person under a court order;

that relate to the person’s felony conviction.

(d) A person who files a petition to expunge conviction records shall file the petition in a circuit or superior court in the county of conviction.

(e) If the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that: (1) the period required by this section has elapsed;

(2) no charges are pending against the person;

(3)  the  person  has  paid  all  fines,  fees,  and  court  costs,  and satisfied any restitution obligation placed on the person as part of the sentence; and

(4) the person  has  not been convicted of a crime within the previous eight (8) years (or within a shorter period agreed to by the   prosecuting   attorney   if   the   prosecuting   attorney   has consented to a shorter period under subsection (c));

the court may order the conviction records described in subsection (c) marked as expunged in accordance with section 7 of this chapter. A  person  whose  records  have  been  ordered  marked  as  expunged under  this  section  is  considered  to have had the  person’s  records expunged for all purposes other than the disposition of the records. As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.10; P.L.142-2015, SEC.4.

IC 35-38-9-5 Expunging   certain   serious   felony   convictions;   consent   of prosecutor required

Sec. 5. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) and section 8.5 of

this chapter, this section applies to a person convicted of a felony, including:

(1) an elected official convicted of an offense while serving the official’s term or as a candidate for public office; and

(2) a person convicted of a felony that resulted in serious bodily injury to another person.

(b) This section does not apply to the following:

(1) A sex or violent offender (as defined in IC 11-8-8-5).

(2) A person convicted of official misconduct (IC 35-44.1-1-1). (3) A person convicted of an offense described in:

(A) IC 35-42-1;

(B) IC 35-42-3.5; or

(C) IC 35-42-4.

(4) A person convicted of two (2) or more felony offenses that: (A) involved the unlawful use of a deadly weapon; and

(B)  were  not  committed  as  part  of  the  same  episode  of criminal conduct.

(c) Not earlier than the later of ten (10) years from the date of conviction,  or  five (5)  years  from the completion  of  the person’s sentence, unless the prosecuting attorney consents in writing to an earlier period, the person convicted of the felony may petition a court to expunge all conviction records, including records contained in:

(1) a court’s files;

(2) the files of the department of correction;

(3) the files of the bureau of motor vehicles; and

(4)  the  files  of  any  other  person  who  provided  treatment  or services to the petitioning person under a court order;

that relate to the person’s felony conviction.

(d) A person who files a petition to expunge conviction records shall file the petition in a circuit or superior court in the county of conviction.

(e) If the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that: (1) the period required by this section has elapsed;

(2) no charges are pending against the person;

(3)  the  person  has  paid  all  fines,  fees,  and  court  costs,  and satisfied any restitution obligation placed on the person as part of the sentence;

(4) the person has not  been  convicted of a crime within the previous ten (10) years (or within a shorter period agreed to by the   prosecuting   attorney   if   the   prosecuting   attorney   has consented to a shorter period under subsection (c)); and

(5)  the  prosecuting  attorney  has  consented  in  writing  to  the expungement of the person’s criminal records;

the court may order the conviction records described in subsection (c) marked as expunged in accordance with section 7 of this chapter. A  person  whose  records  have  been  ordered  marked  as  expunged under  this  section  is  considered  to have had  the  person’s  records expunged for all purposes other than the disposition of the records. As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.11; P.L.142-2015, SEC.5.

IC 35-38-9-6 Effect of expunging misdemeanor and minor Class D and Level 6 felony convictions

Sec. 6. (a) If the court orders conviction records expunged under sections 2 through 3 of this chapter, the court shall do the following with respect to the specific records expunged by the court:

(1) Order:

(A) the department of correction;

(B) the bureau of motor vehicles; and

(C) each:

(i) law enforcement agency; and

(ii) other person;

who incarcerated, provided treatment for, or provided other services for the person under an order of the court;

to prohibit the release of the person’s records or information in the person’s records to anyone without a court order, other than a law enforcement officer acting in the course of the officer’s official duty.

(2) Order the central repository for criminal history information maintained by the state police department to seal the person’s expunged   conviction   records.   Records   sealed   under   this subdivision may be disclosed only to:

(A) a prosecuting attorney, if:

(i) authorized by a court order; and

(ii)   needed   to   carry   out   the   official   duties   of   the prosecuting attorney;

(B) a defense attorney, if:

(i) authorized by a court order; and

(ii)  needed  to  carry  out  the  professional  duties  of  the defense attorney;

(C) a probation department, if:

(i) authorized by a court order; and

(ii) necessary to prepare a presentence report;

(D) the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security, if disclosure is required to comply with an agreement relating to the sharing of criminal history information;

(E) the:

(i) supreme court;

(ii) members of the state board of law examiners;

(iii) executive director of the state board of law examiners;


(iv)  employees  of  the  state  board  of  law  examiners,  in accordance with rules adopted by the state board of law examiners;

for   the   purpose   of   determining   whether   an   applicant possesses the necessary good moral character for admission to the bar;

(F) a person required to access expunged records to comply with   the   Secure   and   Fair   Enforcement   for   Mortgage Licensing  Act  (12  U.S.C.  5101  et  seq.)  or  regulations adopted   under   the   Secure   and   Fair   Enforcement   for Mortgage Licensing Act; and

(G) the bureau of motor vehicles, the Federal Motor Carrier Administration,   and   the   Commercial   Drivers   License Information  System  (CDLIS),  if  disclosure  is  required  to comply with federal law relating to reporting a conviction for a violation of a traffic control law.

(3) Notify the clerk of the supreme court to seal any records in the clerk’s possession that relate to the conviction.

A  probation  department  may  provide  an  unredacted  version  of  a presentence report disclosed under subdivision (2)(C) to any person authorized by law to receive a presentence report.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), if a petition to expunge conviction  records  is  granted  under  sections  2  through  3  of  this chapter, the records of:

(1) the sentencing court;

(2) a juvenile court;

(3) a court of appeals; and

(4) the supreme court;

concerning  the  person  shall  be  permanently  sealed.  However,  a petition for expungement granted under sections 2 through 3 of this chapter  does  not  affect  an  existing  or  pending  driver’s  license suspension.

(c) If a petition to expunge conviction records is granted under sections 2 through 3 of this chapter with respect to the records of a person who is named as an appellant or an appellee in an opinion or memorandum decision by the supreme court or the court of appeals, the court shall:

(1) redact the opinion or memorandum decision as it appears on the computer gateway administered by the office of technology so that it does not include the petitioner’s name (in the same manner that opinions involving juveniles are redacted); and

(2) provide a redacted copy of the opinion to any publisher or organization to whom the opinion or memorandum decision is provided after the date of the order of expungement.

The supreme court and court of appeals are not required to destroy or  otherwise  dispose  of  any  existing  copy  of  an  opinion  or memorandum decision that includes the petitioner’s name.

(d) Notwithstanding subsection (b), a prosecuting attorney may submit a written application to a court that granted an expungement petition under this chapter to gain access to any records that were permanently sealed under subsection (b), if the records are relevant in a new prosecution of the person. If a prosecuting attorney who submits a written application under this subsection shows that the records are relevant for a new prosecution of the person, the court that granted the expungement petition shall:

(1) order the records to be unsealed; and

(2) allow the prosecuting attorney who submitted the written application to have access to the records.

If a court orders records to be unsealed under this subsection, the court shall order the records to be permanently resealed at the earliest possible time after the reasons for unsealing the records cease to exist. However, if the records are admitted as evidence against the person in a new prosecution that results in the person’s conviction, or are  used  to  enhance  a  sentence  imposed  on  the  person  in  a  new prosecution, the court is not required to reseal the records.

(e)  If  a  person  whose  conviction  records  are  expunged  under sections 2 through 5 of this chapter is required to register as a sex offender  based  on  the  commission  of  a  felony  which  has  been expunged:

(1) the expungement does not affect the operation of the sex offender registry web site, any person’s  ability to access the person’s records, records required to be maintained concerning sex  or  violent  offenders,  or  any  registration  requirement imposed on the person; and

(2)   the  expunged conviction must be clearly marked as expunged on the sex offender registry web site.

(f) Expungement of a crime of domestic violence under section 2 of this chapter does not restore a person’s right to possess a firearm. The right of a person convicted of a crime of domestic violence to possess a firearm may be restored only in accordance with IC 35-47-4-7.

(g)   If   the   court   issues   an   order   granting   a   petition   for expungement under sections 2 through 3 of this chapter, the court shall include in its order the information described in section 8(b) of this chapter.

As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.12; P.L.142-2015, SEC.6; P.L.198-2016, SEC.671.

IC 35-38-9-7 Effect of expunging serious and less serious felony convictions

Sec. 7. (a) This section applies only to a person who has filed a

petition for expungement under section 4 or 5 of this chapter and whose records have been ordered marked as expunged.

(b)  The  court  records  and  other  public  records  relating  to  the arrest, conviction, or sentence of a person whose conviction records have been marked as expunged remain public records. However, the court shall order that the records be clearly and visibly marked or identified as being expunged. A petition for expungement granted under sections 4 through 5 of this chapter does not affect an existing or pending driver’s license suspension.

(c) The state police department, the bureau of motor vehicles, and any other law enforcement agency in possession of records that relate to the conviction ordered to be marked as expunged shall add an entry to the person’s record of arrest, conviction, or sentence in the criminal  history  data  base  stating  that  the  record  is  marked  as expunged.  Nothing  in  this  chapter  prevents  the  bureau  of  motor vehicles  from  reporting  information  about  a  conviction  for  a violation of a traffic control law to the Commercial Drivers License Information System (CDLIS), in accordance with federal law, even if  the  conviction has been expunged under section 4 or 5 of this chapter.

(d)   If   the   court   issues   an   order   granting   a   petition   for expungement under section 4 or 5 of this chapter, the court shall include in its order the information described in section 8(b) of this chapter.

As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.13; P.L.142-2015, SEC.7; P.L.198-2016, SEC.672.

IC 35-38-9-8 Petition to expunge conviction records

Sec.  8.  (a)  This  section  applies  only  to  a  petition  to  expunge conviction records under sections 2 through 5 of this chapter. This section does not apply to a petition to expunge records related to the arrest,  criminal  charge,  or  juvenile  delinquency  allegation  under section 1 of this chapter.

(b)  Any  person  may  seek  an  expungement  under  sections  2 through   5   of   this   chapter   by   filing   a   verified   petition   for expungement. The petition must include the following:

(1)  The  petitioner’s  full  name  and  all  other  legal  names  or aliases by which the petitioner is or has been known.

(2) The petitioner’s date of birth.

(3) The petitioner’s addresses from the date of the offense to the date of the petition.

(4) The case number or court cause number, if available.

(5) The petitioner shall affirm that no criminal investigation or charges are pending against the petitioner.

(6)  The  petitioner  shall  affirm  that  the  petitioner  has  not committed   another   crime   within   the   period   required   for expungement.

(7) The petitioner shall list all convictions, the cause number of each conviction, if known, the date of the conviction, and any appeals from the conviction and the date any appellate opinion was handed down, if applicable.

(8) The petitioner shall include:

(A) the petitioner’s Social Security number; (B) the petitioner’s driver’s license number;

(C) the date of the petitioner’s arrest, if applicable; and

(D) the date on which the petitioner was convicted.

(9)  The  petitioner  shall  affirm  that  the  required  period  has elapsed or attach a copy of the prosecuting attorney’s written consent to a shorter period.

(10) The petitioner shall describe any other petitions that the petitioner has filed under this chapter.

(11)  For  a petition filed under section 5 of this chapter, the petitioner  shall  attach  a  copy  of  the  prosecuting  attorney’s written consent.

(c)  The  petitioner  may  include  any other  information  that  the petitioner believes may assist the court.

(d) A person who files a petition under this section is required to pay the filing fee required in civil cases. The court may reduce or waive this fee if the person is indigent.

(e)  The  petitioner  shall  serve  a  copy  of  the  petition  upon  the prosecuting attorney in accordance with the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure.

(f) The prosecuting attorney shall inform the victim of the victim’s rights under IC 35-40-6 by contacting the victim at the victim’s last known address. However, if a court has no discretion in granting an expungement petition under this chapter, the prosecuting attorney is not required to inform the victim of the victim’s rights under this subsection.

(g) The prosecuting attorney shall reply to the petition not later than thirty (30) days after receipt. If the prosecuting attorney fails to timely reply to the petition:

(1) the prosecuting attorney has waived any objection to the petition; and

(2) the court shall proceed to consider the petition under section

9 of this chapter.

As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.14; P.L.142-2015, SEC.8.

IC 35-38-9-8.5 Expungement of certain offenses punishable by an indeterminate sentence

Sec.  8.5.  (a)  This  section  applies only  to  a  person  seeking  to expunge an Indiana offense punishable by an indeterminate sentence under a law other than IC 35-50.

(b)  If  the  offense  for  which  the  person  was  convicted  is  a misdemeanor   at   the   time   the   person   files   the   petition   for expungement,  the  person  may  file  the  petition  for  expungement under section 2 of this chapter.

(c) If the offense for which the person was convicted:

(1) is a Level 6 felony at the time the person files the petition for expungement; and

(2) is not substantially similar to an offense described in section

3(b) of this chapter;

the person may file the petition under section 3 of this chapter. (d) If:

(1)  the  person  to  whom  this  chapter  applies  may  not  seek expungement under section 3 of this chapter; and

(2) the offense the person seeks to expunge is not substantially similar to an offense described in section 4(b) of this chapter;

the person may file the petition under section 4 of this chapter. (e) If the offense for which the person was convicted:

(1)  is  a felony at  the  time of  filing the  petition, including a felony described in section 5(a) of this chapter; and

(2) is not substantially similar to an offense described in section

5(b) of this chapter;

the person may file the petition under section 5 of this chapter.

As added by P.L.142-2015, SEC.9.

IC 35-38-9-9 Duties of court in ruling on expungement petitions

Sec.  9.  (a)  If  the  prosecuting  attorney  does  not  object,  or  has

waived objection to the petition under section 8 of this chapter, the court may grant the petition for expungement without a hearing.

(b) The court may summarily deny a petition, if the petition does not  meet the requirements of section 8 of this chapter, or if the statements contained in the petition demonstrate that the petitioner is not entitled to relief.

(c)  If  the  prosecuting  attorney  objects  to  the  petition,  the prosecuting  attorney  shall  file  the  reasons  for  objecting  to  the petition with the court and  serve a copy of the objections on the petitioner at the time the prosecuting attorney objects to the petition. The court shall set the matter for hearing not sooner than sixty (60) days after service of the petition on the prosecuting attorney.

(d) A victim of the offense for which expungement is sought may submit an oral or written statement in support of or in opposition to the petition at the time of the hearing. The petitioner must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the facts alleged in the verified petition are true.

(e) The grant or denial of a petition is an appealable final order. (f) If the court grants the petition for expungement, the court shall issue an order of expungement as described in sections 6 and 7 of this chapter.

(g) The order granting the petition for expungement described in sections  6  and  7  of  this  chapter  must  include  the  information described in section 8(b) of this chapter.

(h)  This  subsection  applies  only  to  a  petition  to  expunge conviction records filed under sections 2 through 5 of this chapter. This  subsection  does  not  apply  to  a  petition  to  expunge  records related  to  the  arrest,  criminal  charge,  or  juvenile  delinquency allegation under section 1 of this chapter. A petitioner may seek to expunge  more  than  one  (1)  conviction  at  the  same  time.  The petitioner shall consolidate all convictions that the petitioner wishes to expunge from the same county in one (1) petition. A petitioner who wishes to expunge convictions from separate counties must file a petition in each county in which a conviction was entered.

(i)  This   subsection   applies   only  to   a   petition   to   expunge conviction records filed under sections 2 through 5 of this chapter. This  subsection  does  not  apply  to  a  petition  to  expunge  records related  to  the  arrest,  criminal  charge,  or  juvenile  delinquency allegation  under  section  1  of  this  chapter.  Except  as  provided  in subsections   (j)   and   (k),   a   petitioner   may   file   a   petition   for expungement only one (1) time during the petitioner’s lifetime. For purposes of this subsection, all petitions for expungement filed in separate counties for offenses committed in those counties count as one (1) petition if they are filed in one (1) three hundred sixty-five (365) day period.

(j) A petitioner whose petition for expungement has been denied, in  whole  or  in  part,  may  refile  that  petition  for  expungement,  in whole or in part, with respect to one (1) or more convictions included in the initial expungement petition that were not expunged. However, if the petition was denied due to the court’s exercise of its discretion under section 4 or 5 of this chapter, a petition for expungement may be refiled only after the elapse of three (3) years from the date on which  the  previous  expungement  petition  was  denied.  Except  as provided in subsection (k), a refiled petition for expungement may not  include  any  conviction  that  was  not  included  in  the  initial expungement petition.

(k) A court may permit a petitioner to file an amended petition for expungement with respect to one (1) or more convictions that were not included in the initial expungement petition only if the court finds that:

(1)  the  petitioner  intended  in  good  faith  to  comply  with subsections (h) and (i);

(2) the petitioner’s failure to comply with subsections (h) and (i)

was due to:

(A) excusable neglect; or

(B) circumstances beyond the petitioner’s control; and

(3) permitting the petitioner to file a subsequent petition for expungement is in the best interests of justice.

As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.15; P.L.142-2015, SEC.10.

IC 35-38-9-10 Unlawful discrimination against a person whose record has been expunged; exceptions

Sec. 10. (a)  This  section  does  not  apply to  a person  to whom

sealed records may be disclosed under section 6(a)(2) of this chapter. (b) It is unlawful discrimination for any person to:

(1) suspend; (2) expel;

(3) refuse to employ; (4) refuse to admit;

(5)  refuse  to  grant  or  renew  a  license,  permit,  or  certificate necessary to engage in any activity, occupation, or profession; or

(6) otherwise discriminate against;

any person  because of  a conviction  or  arrest  record expunged or sealed under this chapter.

(c) Except as provided in section 6(f) of this chapter, the civil rights of a person whose conviction has been expunged shall be fully restored, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to be a proper person under IC 35-47-1-7(2), and to serve as a juror.

(d) In any application for employment, a license, or other right or privilege,  a  person  may  be  questioned  about  a  previous  criminal record only in terms that exclude expunged convictions or arrests, such as: “Have you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime that has not been expunged by a court?”.

(e) A person whose record is expunged shall be treated as if the person had never been convicted of the offense. However, upon a subsequent arrest or conviction for an unrelated offense, the prior expunged conviction:

(1) may be considered by the court in determining the sentence imposed for the new offense;

(2) is a prior unrelated conviction for purposes of: (A) a habitual offender enhancement; and

(B) enhancing the new offense based on a prior conviction;


(3) may be admitted as evidence in the proceeding for a new offense as if the conviction had not been expunged.

(f) Any person that discriminates against a person as described in subsection  (b)  commits  a  Class  C  infraction  and  may  be  held  in contempt by the court issuing the order of expungement or by any other court of general jurisdiction. Any person may file a written motion of contempt to bring an alleged violation of this section to the attention of a court. In addition, the person is entitled to injunctive relief.

(g)   In   any   judicial   or   administrative   proceeding   alleging negligence   or   other   fault,   an  order   of   expungement   may  be introduced as evidence of the person’s exercise of due care in hiring, retaining, licensing, certifying, admitting to a school or program, or otherwise transacting business or engaging in activity with the person to whom the order of expungement was issued.

(h) A conviction that has been expunged under this chapter is not admissible as evidence in an action for negligent hiring, admission, or licensure against a person or entity who relied on the order.

(i) An expungement  case, and all documents filed in the case, becomes confidential when the court issues the order granting the petition.  However,  until  the  court  issues  the  order  granting  the petition, documents filed in the case are not confidential, and any hearing held in the case shall be open.

As  added  by  P.L.159-2013,  SEC.4.  Amended  by  P.L.181-2014, SEC.16; P.L.142-2015, SEC.11.

IC 35-38-9-11 Waiver of expungement in a plea agreement invalid

Sec. 11. (a) A person may not waive the right to expungement

under this chapter as part of a plea agreement. Any purported waiver of  the  right  to  expungement  in  a  plea  agreement  is  invalid  and unenforceable as against public policy.

(b) This section does not prohibit the finding of a waiver of the right  to  expungement  based  on  a  failure  to  comply  with  the provisions of this chapter.

As added by P.L.181-2014, SEC.17.

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