You need an Indianapolis child abuse and neglect attorney to help you defend yourself against child abuse charges.
What is Battery?
In the State of Indiana battery more often than not is treated as a Class B Misdemeanor with up to 180 days in jail and fines up to $1000. When battery causes a physical injury that is not considered as “serious”. Battery becomes a felony if a person is touched in a rude or disrespectful way that involves the use of a weapon. If you are in the need of an Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer that handles both assault and battery charges in Indiana at (317) 721-9858 today.
What is Significant About Child Neglect and Child Battery Charges?

According to Child, child neglect is a form of child abuse, and is a deficit in meeting a child’s basic needs, including the failure to provide adequate health care, supervision, clothing, nutrition, housing as well as their physical, emotional, social, educational and safety needs. All of those would fall under the umbrella of child neglect or child abuse, requiring a top Indianapolis child abuse defense attorney.
Speak With an Indianapolis Child Battery and Neglect Charges Attorney Today
If you’ve been charged with child abuse, child battery or child neglect in Indiana, you need to contact Indianapolis criminal defense attorney, Jesse K. Sanchez at (317) 721-9858 today!