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Criminal Defense / 5.06.2022

Benefits Of Working With A Criminal Defense Attorney

Are you facing a serious charge after being accused of a crime? If so, it is important that you are prepared before heading to court. The best thing you can do to protect yourself is to hire a criminal defense attorney.


Criminal law in Indiana can impose severe penalties on people and have devastating effects on the family members of the accused. Even the lowest level misdemeanor in Indiana, i.e., the C Misdemeanor, what you may think of as a “petty crime,” can carry up to 60 days in jail and a 500 dollar fine. 

Some examples of C Misdemeanors in Indiana may not even sound like crimes. Here are a few that may surprise you:

Possession of a Chinese Throwing StarIndiana Code 35-47-5-12
Illegal Discharging of FireworksIndiana Code 22-11-14-6
llegal Fishing or HuntingIndiana Code 14-22-38-1
Taking liquor into restaurant or place of public entertainmentIndiana Code 7.1-5-8-6
Refusal to provide ID to a Police officerIndiana Code 34-28-5-3.5
Having a Blue Light on Your Car or Truck>Indiana Code 9-19-14-5.5

A few hours in jail can cause psychological trauma to a perfectly normal person. Getting booked and held in jail is a brutal experience.

However, if you’re like most people, and you are forced to do 60, 30, or even a week in jail, this could easily mean catastrophic personal consequences for you or loved ones. Lost jobs, lost homes, financial setbacks, and damaged relationships are consequences of forced confinement.

First and foremost, you need a criminal defense attorney who is aware of the stakes, even for the so-called petty crimes. These matters are serious because it’s not “just a week in jail.” Your Indiana criminal defense attorney needs to understand that and advise you accordingly.


It is unfortunate that most Indiana citizens do not understand what their basic rights are under State, local, and federal laws. If this is you, don’t blame yourself, you were probably like me and taught almost nothing about the practical side of law and politics in school, even through college. It’s just not an openly discussed topic. Consequently, I had to go to law school to learn the harsh realities of the state’s legal system. 

However, even if you do understand many of these laws and have been there before, it is unlikely that you know how to practically apply these laws in a courtroom setting. Without this knowledge, you will be severely disadvantaged when trying  to defend yourself. 

How do you object? Do you stand up when you talk? Where do you stand? Are arguments on paper or made orally? Can you make a deal? What are the limits of the deals you can make? Can you ask for a delay? A jury? A dismissal? Can you ask that evidence be suppressed? 

Figure all of these questions out in ONE COURTROOM and you’re off to a good start. It is important to note that every single court and county in Indiana has its differences. The rules change depending on where you go. 

You cannot do this alone if you want to achieve effective results.

You need a guide to walk this path with you. So, for the best possible defense, an experienced and qualified criminal defense attorney is mandatory.  The experience and powerful support they bring to the table are priceless.


A good criminal defense attorney gives you options. Here’s what I mean.

1) It can go to trial (where you can win or lose)
2) It can settle – where you can plead guilty to something in exchange for some clarity about your sentence
3) It can be dismissed (either voluntarily by the government or involuntarily, if your defense attorney forces it).

To assist you in getting through the ordeal of a criminal charge, a criminal defense attorney should be able to walk you through each option and help you understand what the realistic possibilities are for you and your life. 

If we’re considering a trial, the first option named above – your criminal defense attorney should be able to discuss the evidence with you in a realistic way. What are your real chances of winning? How can we improve those chances? What witnesses can we call to make those chances better? What evidence can we bring or counter from the government to make this option a real choice? A good criminal defense attorney gives you options by helping weigh these factors out. 

Plea agreements work the same way. A qualified criminal defense attorney is crucial to understanding what the law provides as options for potential plea details, and what’s even legally possible. But a criminal defense attorney also lets you know how far the government can be negotiated, how far they can be pushed, and how your options can improve. A blog post on getting good plea agreements will be published in the near future. For now, understand that you cannot know how good your deal can be unless you have someone on your side pushing back. 

Criminal defense attorneys give you options.


Your situation is unique. You’re a person with unique skills, deficits, worries and concerns. For that reason, your criminal defense attorney should be prepared to take your individual needs into account when assisting you. In other words, your case needs individual attention. 

There is a whole theory of criminal defense that involves being “client-centered” and it is absolutely what we do at the Law Office of Jesse K. Sanchez. In short, we give you the personalized attention you need. Your criminal defense attorney has your back. Throughout the process, they will guide you and support you. They will advise you and even tell you when they think you are wrong or making a huge mistake.

It is absolutely critical to have the personalized attention of a criminal defense attorney right from the get-go.


Your future is at stake if you’re facing a criminal charge, but the consequences of a criminal conviction do not stop with potential fines, jail, or probation. Criminal convictions come with a host of collateral consequences like reputational damage, civil liability, loss of civil rights including voting rights and gun ownership/possession rights, or immigration consequences. A qualified criminal defense attorney takes these things into account when advising their clients.


The lawyers at the Law Office of Jesse K. Sanchez are not fortune tellers. We cannot see the future or guarantee how a certain case will go. But, years of experience in this field makes us very good at predicting outcomes and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of cases.

From the laws themselves to the court system to your basic rights, they are highly knowledgeable. They also know how to take that knowledge and apply it to achieve the best possible legal outcome.


Whatever criminal case you’re facing, there’s bound to be some kind of evidence. To review that evidence, your prosecution uses experts in their field.

If evidence has been tampered with or collected illegally, a proficient and seasoned criminal defense attorney knows how to detect such issues. They are knowledgeable in handling witnesses who may exaggerate, “expert” witnesses, private investigators, medical practitioners, and more. This is, perhaps, one of the most important skills a good defense attorney brings to the table.


It’s perfectly natural for legal professionals to develop friendly relationships with defense attorneys. Many defense attorneys like to portray an image of obstinacy or aggressiveness but in the real world, a well-established and positive relationship with others is crucial to getting good results for clients.

At The Law Office of Jesse K. Sanchez, we show respect to all courts and legal professionals to ensure that we are always well-received in any courtroom in Indiana we may find ourselves in. With prosecutors, negotiations go smoother when a professional relationship is established and respect are shared by all parties involved. In courtrooms, judges know to take our arguments seriously, as we always strive to only make serious arguments, grounded in evidence and good logic.

Of course, we’re always polite to court staff. 

This is common sense and just good ethics. Your criminal defense attorney can use it to your advantage.


Criminal defense lawyers at The Law Office of Jesse K. Sanchez stand ready to meet your legal needs. Whether you’re faced with a DUI, a domestic violence charge, sex crime, drug charge, gun crime, or other felonies, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Our attorneys will follow the path that’s best for your interests. Contact our Indianapolis or Lafayette office by calling (317) 721-9858. Alternatively, click here to send a message via email.

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